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Education Workforce Council privacy information

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The Finance team is a small department within EWC responsible for providing payroll, pension and general financial support across the organisation.. Its responsibilities include the overall management of payroll services to all employees and external supply members paid via payroll and also the pension services to all staff enrolled on the Civil Service pension scheme, MyCSP.

Where we obtain your information

Personnel data is sent to the Finance team by EWC’S HR team. The information is obtained by HR through the recruitment process.

We also obtain payroll information directly from you via the EWC finance payroll forms, i.e.

  • New Employee/Members Starter Form
  • HMRC Starter Checklist declaration
  • MyCSP Pension Questionnaire
  • Public Service History Form.

What personal information we collect

Personal data is required for this purpose in order to pay employees and members for work completed under the contract of employment. To make the relevant payments, contact details, bank details and postal addresses are required.
An expenses/supply cover form is completed by the individual. Alternatively the information is emailed through the relevant team within EWC from the individual.

- Full name
- Address
- National Insurance Number
- PAYE codes
- Nationality
- Ethnic Origin
- Sex
- Marital status
- D.O.B
- Bank details
- Data of employment
- Salary and historic payments

How we use your information

Payroll and pension details for EWC employees and members:-

Payroll & Pensions: Other personal data: Tax details, N.I number
Creditor payments
PDF files (Payments)
Registration: Teachers/registrants fee and refunds
FTP panel members payments
FTP Witnesses payments
ITE Board members payments
EWC council members payments
Staff Expenses

Information is shared with Barclays bank for payment processing.

Salary details are shared with EWC’s HR department and HMRC. Pension information is shared with the Cabinet office and MyCSP

Why our use of your personal data is lawful

The lawful basis for processing this personal data is Article 6 (1) (c) Legal obligation and Article 6 (1) (e) Public task.