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March 2022
March 2022

Creating Learning without Limits - Mandy Swann, Alison Peacock, Susan Hart and Mary Jane Drummond

Creating learning without limitsThis engaging and inspiring book tells the story of how a primary school, which was once in special measures, created a learning environment that is ‘inclusive, humane and enabling for everybody’.

Creating Learning without Limits builds on prior research on classroom practice by the authors, and explores how the learning capacity of every child can be enhanced by creating a classroom environment that is inclusive and free from ‘ability’ labels.

A must read for any educator who believes in the limitless potential of all learners and young people.

This publication is no longer available on EBSCO. You may be able to find it from other sources.


 Motivation to Learn: Transforming classroom culture to support student achievement - Michael Middleton and Kevin Perks

Motivation to learnWhether you’re a newly qualified teacher, or an experienced practitioner, one of the biggest challenges for any educator is how to motivate learners.

‘Motivation to Learn: Transforming Classroom Culture to Support Student Achievement’ provides concrete strategies to help educators create a learning environment that maximises student engagement.

As well reviewing the psychology behind motivation, this book provides opportunities for self-reflection, real-life case studies and practical ideas that can immediately be implemented in the classroom.