An assessment of suitability for EWC registration is made by fitness to practise staff when a prospective registrant ticks ‘yes’ to any question about their history when completing the declaration section of the registration application form.
Suitability assessment
Stage 1
Fitness to practise staff consider the declaration to be relatively minor and to not affect the applicant’s suitability for registration. Registration is granted.
Stage 2
The applicant is asked to provide more detailed information about the circumstances of their declaration and some testimonials or representations to support their suitability for registration. If fitness to practise staff are satisfied with the applicant’s response, registration is granted.
Stage 3
Fitness to practise staff decide to refer the application for independent scrutiny by a suitability committee at a meeting.
Suitability committee meeting
The Suitability Committee meeting is private and is an opportunity for the applicant to explain to the Committee why they consider they are suitable to be registered.
The Suitability Committee consists of a minimum of three panel members, including at least one member registered with the EWC, and one lay person. The Committee is supported by an independent legal adviser.
Once it has heard from the applicant, the Committee retires to consider, in private, whether to grant registration or not. If registration is not granted, the applicant is not able to make any further application in the same registration category or categories for 12 months. After this, they can reapply for registration in that category.