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Fitness to practise case studies
Fitness to practise case studies

The following case studies provide clear, practical insights into the expectations and standards expected of you in both your professional practice and personal life.

Based on real examples, they illustrate common challenges and pitfalls that can lead to a fitness to practise hearing. By highlighting these scenarios, we aim to offer valuable learning points to help you uphold the highest standards in your profession and safeguard your registration.

Misrepresenting qualifications

In this case study, we look at an example of where a registrant was prohibited following a proven case of unacceptable professional conduct in relation to misrepresenting their qualifications.

Summary of the case

The EWC received a referral from an employer following the dismissal of a registered member of staff. The registrant was dismissed because it was discovered they had misrepresented their qualifications when applying for employment. It subsequently came to light that the registrant had made similar misrepresentations to other former employers, and had provided incorrect and falsified information to the EWC.

After hearing all evidence, the Fitness to Practise Committee was asked to decide whether or not the following allegations were proven, that the registrant:

  • provided incorrect information to employers and the EWC when applying for employment/registration
  • submitted an amended disciplinary outcome letter to a potential employer so as to suggest they had received a less serious disciplinary sanction for previous conduct than had actually been the case
  • submitted qualification certificates to the EWC which were not genuine

The registrant did not attend the hearing, nor were they represented.

Having considered the  Fitness to Practise Disciplinary Procedures and Rules  and advice from an independent legal advisor, the Committee were satisfied that the hearing could proceed in their absence.

The Committee’s findings

The Committee (supported by an independent legal adviser throughout) considered the evidence provided to it and whether, if proven, the allegations amounted to misconduct.

The Committee noted that the registrant’s conduct involved three different schools and the EWC as their regulator, and took place over a period of several years. It determined that their conduct was misleading, dishonest, and demonstrated a lack of integrity.

The Committee decided that a Prohibition Order was necessary to protect learners, to uphold proper standards of professional conduct, and to maintain public confidence in the education profession.

A Prohibition Order means registration is removed indefinitely and the individual can no longer practice in Wales in their category of registration. The Committee determined the registrant could not apply to be re-considered as eligible for registration for a period of five years.

Code of Professional Conduct and Practice

In this case, the individual was in breach of the following principles from the Code.


1.1 recognise their personal responsibility as a role model and public figure, to uphold public trust and confidence in the education profession, both in and out of the workplace

2.1 are accountable for their conduct and professional competence
2.2 behave honestly, and with integrity, particularly with regard to:

  • personal credentials, experience and qualifications
  • references, declarations made and signing documents
  • communications with the EWC, informing it of any recordable criminal conviction, or restriction placed on their practice by any other body
  • their employer, and report any matter which is required by the terms and conditions of their employment

4.1 Know, use and take responsibility for the relevant professional standards for their particular profession throughout their career

Lessons learnt

As a registrant, your commitment to professional integrity is non-negotiable. Intentionally falsifying information, or misrepresenting qualifications, is a serious breach of trust that undermines public confidence in the profession, and puts your career at risk.

  • Honesty is essential: misleading employers, regulatory bodies, or other stakeholders can lead to severe consequences, including permanent prohibition from practicing.
  • Integrity matters: upholding your professional reputation means presenting your qualifications and experiences truthfully. Any deviation from these standards damages trust which can affect the entire education profession.
  • Consequences of dishonesty: this case demonstrates that dishonesty can result in indefinite removal from the profession, impacting your livelihood and reputation. Acting with integrity is essential for protecting both your career and the learners/young people you serve.

Further reading and guidance

More information on our fitness to practise work.