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Meddwl Mawr
Meddwl Mawr

Engaging with research can play an important role in helping you develop your own ideas and practice as an education professional. That’s why we’ve started Meddwl Mawr, a book and journal club designed to support you on your professional learning journey.

We’ll be publishing regular recommendations on this page covering a range of interesting topics, pointing you to some of the great content available on your free online library.

Make sure you sign up to our mailing list to hear about recommendations as soon as they’re published.

We’re keen to hear about any books or journal articles you’ve found interesting, enjoyable or useful on EBSCO. If you have a recommendation that you would like to share, then please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Your recommendations

January 2025

Narrowing the Attainment Gap by Daniel Sobel

mark plan teachA significant gap exists in Wales between the educational performance of pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their non-FSM peers. This gap has widened in recent years, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which disproportionately impacted pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, deepening pre-existing inequalities in education. Recognising the urgency of this issue, the Welsh Government has made raising attainment levels and closing the gap between the poorest children and their peers a key priority.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle, has also highlighted the Welsh Government’s commitment to improving understanding of the attainment gap and where identifying interventions could be most effectively targeted to address this challenge.

Written by a leading expert in the field of inclusion, Narrowing the Attainment Gap explores the complex issues and barriers that contribute to the attainment gap, delivering a compelling and research-driven guide aimed at education professionals grappling with the persistent challenge of educational inequality.

Drawing on extensive research from working collaboratively with over 1,000 schools, the guide uses robust evidence to identify the various causes of the attainment gap and outlines the obstacles educators face in narrowing it. The book provides school leaders with innovative and actionable strategies, including case studies and template resources, helping them to develop bespoke solutions to meet the needs of the pupils in their settings. It further serves as an insightful analysis and a practical resource, inspiring educators to rethink their approaches and work collaboratively towards a more equitable educational landscape.
Suggesting a distinctive link between poor attainment and a lack of motivation, the author argues that raising aspirations is essential for fostering success. The guide also emphasises the crucial role of addressing students' emotional needs and advocates for a holistic approach to education, prioritising the aspirations and wellbeing of all pupils through a whole school approach.

Previous editions

What did you think of this month’s recommendations? How did they help develop your practice? Tweet your response using #MeddwlMawr

Why not try using the tools in the PLP to reflect on the ideas from this month’s recommendations and how you can apply them to your own practice?

Have you been inspired by our recommendations, and want to share what you’ve learnt with your colleagues?  Read our guide to setting up a journal club.