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About the Quality Mark
About the Quality Mark

We administer the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales (the Quality Mark), in partnership with Education Training Standards (ETS) Cymru, the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS), Principal Youth Officers Group (PYOG) Wales and Training Agencies Group (TAG).

The Quality Mark is a unique tool for self-assessment, planning improvement and gaining a quality mark for youth work. It supports and recognises improving standards in the provision, practice and performance of organisations that provide youth work, demonstrating and celebrating the excellence of their work with young people.

The Quality Mark consists of two distinct elements:

  • a set of Quality Standards that youth work organisations can use as a tool for self-assessment and improvement
  • an externally assessed Quality Mark that is a national award demonstrating an organisation's excellence

40 youth work organisations in Wales have achieved the Quality Mark. To register your interest for a Quality Mark external assessment, please complete an expression of interest form

Watch current Quality Mark holders share the benefits of the Quality Mark.

Considering getting involved in the Quality Mark?

Our e-learning module is designed to help build your knowledge of the Quality Mark, why it matters and what’s involved in it. Start the module.

Quality Standards and Guidance documents

Quality Mark introduction and guidance

Quality Mark: gold level

Quality Mark: silver level

Quality Mark: bronze level            

From a youth perspective: QMYW assessment process

This short video, produced by Swansea MAD, guides young people undertaking the Quality Mark for Youth Work (QMYW) in Wales through the assessment process.


If you have any other enquiries, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Youth Work Quality Mark evaluation report

An  evaluation of the work of the Education Workforce Council on the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales and its development in the youth sector.

Youth Work Quality Mark Post Assessment survey