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Upcoming fitness to practise hearings
Upcoming fitness to practise hearings

Most fitness to practise committee hearings of the EWC are held virtually (online, using Zoom). Some may be held in-person, where requested by the registrant, before the EWC or their representative.

Details of upcoming hearings will appear here five working days before they are due to take place.

There are currently no upcoming hearings to show.

Booking a place

If you want to observe a hearing as a member of the public or press, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a place.

You will need to provide the following information when booking:

  • your full name
  • date of hearing
  • email address to send the Zoom link if the hearing is virtual
  • contact number to reach you if we need to
  • reason for wanting to observe (for example, press)

If the hearing is virtual, we will send you a Zoom link to join the hearing 24 hours before it is due to start. Please do not share this link with anyone else. If it is in-person, you will be provided with the attendance arrangements.

There is an expectation our hearings are held in public. However, sometimes part or all of a hearing may be held in private due to the confidential nature of the information involved, such as health issues. The Committee may exclude the public and press while it is sitting in private.

In these circumstances, you will be asked to leave the hearing and the case officer for the hearing will notify you if and when you can re-join.

We record our hearings. However, it is strictly prohibited for any other person to record, screen shot, photograph, copy or share our hearing proceedings in any way.

Hearings can be subject to sudden cancellation or postponement.