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Introduction to the Education Workforce Council (EWC)
Introduction to the Education Workforce Council (EWC)

We are the independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales. We regulate education practitioners across schools, further education, youth work, and adult/work-based learning.

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) was established by the Education (Wales) Act 2014, and came into being on 1 April 2015.

Our vision is to be a trusted independent, professional regulator that works in the public interest to maintain professionalism and enhance standards within the education workforce in Wales.


Our core function is to regulate in the public interest. To do this, we first maintain a Register of Education Practitioners eligible to practise in schools, further education, youth work, and work-based learning. Secondly, we publish a Code of Professional Conduct and Practice which sets out the standards expected of those registered. Thirdly, we investigate and hear allegations of unacceptable professional conduct, serious professional incompetence, or relevant criminal offences.

We also have a statutory responsibility to accredit programmes of initial teacher education, and monitor their compliance with national criteria.


In addition to our regulatory work, we also support registrants to be able to deliver the highest professional standards by providing useful information, resources, and services designed to offer guidance and direction. 


We continuously seek out opportunities to shape and influence educational policy in Wales for the benefit of our registrants. Our statutory responsibility to provide independent advice, research analysis, and intelligence, means that we are able to support workforce planning across Wales, creating an inclusive working environment for the whole profession. 


We actively promote careers in education in Wales through the Educators Wales website and advice service. Funded by Welsh Government and developed by the EWC, it offers a range of services which bring together career, training, and job opportunities within Welsh education.