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Education workforce statistics

Annual Education Workforce Statistics

EWC Annual Education Workforce Statistics for Wales 2024

Every year, we publish a detailed breakdown of the education workforce in Wales. These statistics have been produced using data from the Register of Education Practitioners.

The Register is real time and provides a unique source of data about the 13 registered education groups in Wales. No equivalent data is available from any other body or organisation. Consequently, comparison should not be made with other sources such as the Welsh Government School Workforce Annual Census (SWAC), also published annually. For the school sector in particular, unlike SWAC, our data includes all supply staff, peripatetic workers, freelance workers, and others who provide educaion or training in a school, as well as other education settings. We also hold significant historic data which enables us to provide trend information. 

Read the Annual Education Workforce Statistics for Wales 2024 .

Considerations while reading the report

Practitioners in adult learning, and principles or senior leaders working in further education institutions have been required to register with us since further legislative changes came into effect in May 2024. As this was after the date of our data extraction, they are not included in this publication, but will be included in future publications from 2025.

Legislation requires a practitioner to be registered in the category, or categories, for the work that they undertake, or intend to undertake. As a result, some practitioners are registered in multiple categories. Further information can be found on our website.

Since May 2023, new legislation has required teachers and learning support staff in independent schools and colleges to register with us. As a result, for the first time, data relating to independent school teachers, independent school learning support workers, independent special post-16 institution teachers, and independent special post-16 institution learning support worker, is included in this publication. Independent school teachers will be included in ‘others in service’ within the employment tables in both the school teacher and school learning support worker registration categories.

Previous workforce statistics

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