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Strategic Plan 2024-27
Strategic Plan 2024-27

Download the Strategic Plan 2024-27

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Foreword from our Chair and Chief Executive

We are pleased to present our Strategic Plan 2024-27. It sets out how we will deliver our core statutory functions effectively, efficiently, and sustainably, ensuring equality and fairness throughout to safeguard learners and young people, and build public trust and confidence in the education workforce.

Our priority must be robust registration and regulation, meaning only those suitable and qualified to practice are able to join the public Register of over 90,000 education professionals. Once registered, we must ensure that they maintain their commitment to uphold the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice whilst achieving the highest professional standards. Where concerns are raised about a registrant, we will investigate their fitness to practise and, if necessary, take appropriate action.

For those aspiring to join the teaching profession, we will continue to provide assurance by confirming that the entry programmes leading to the award of the professional qualification (Qualified Teacher Status) meet the required standard. This work provides confidence to the existing workforce, learners and young people, parents/guardians, and the wider public that quality teachers are joining the workforce.

Fundamental to our approach, and the realisation of this plan, is a collaborative and responsive relationship with our registrants and stakeholders. This involves not only communicating clearly to make sure that our work, and its implications, are understood, but also making sure that registrants and stakeholders are supported in fulfilling their role within a regulated profession.

Beyond regulation, we will continue to contribute as a unique, independent body within the education landscape. Where appropriate, using our position, knowledge, and data from our Register, we will inform the development of evidence-based policy in Wales. In addition, we are committed to fulfilling our distinct role in implementing the Welsh Government’s Anti-racist Wales Action Plan, and 10-year Welsh in Education Plan.

The recruitment challenges affecting the education workforce in Wales are well-documented. Through our core function to promote careers, we commit to working with diverse partners, prioritising recruitment from black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities, Welsh speakers, and teachers of shortage subjects. This collaborative effort seeks not only to address current challenges, but to shape a more inclusive and representative workforce for the future.

As an organisation, we are intent on learning and continued improvement. So, throughout the lifespan of this plan, we will evolve, whilst ensuring value for money for our registrants at all times. We will continue to lobby Welsh Government to strengthen the EWC’s regulatory legislation, further improve the visibility of our work as a means to build public trust and confidence in the education workforce in Wales, systematically and continuously review our processes and procedures, and make improvements to our technologies so that registrants and stakeholders receive a high-quality service from us.

Finally, we would like to thank our registrants and stakeholders and look forward to working with you to deliver this Strategic Plan.

Eithne Hughes, Chair

Hayden Llewellyn, Chief Executive

Our role and remit


To be a trusted, independent, professional regulator that works in the public interest to maintain professionalism and enhance standards within the education workforce in Wales.


The Education (Wales) Act 2014 formally sets out our aims and functions.

Our aims

  • Contribute to improving the standards of teaching and the quality of learning in Wales.
  • Maintain and improve standards of professional conduct amongst teachers and others who support teaching and learning in Wales.
  • Safeguard the interests of learners, parents and guardians, and the public, and maintain public trust and confidence in the education workforce.

 Our functions

  • Establish and maintain a Register of Education Practitioners.
  • Maintain a Code of Professional Conduct and Practice.
  • Investigate and hear allegations that may call into question a registered practitioner’s fitness to practise.
  • Accredit and monitor programmes of school teacher ITE.
  • Provide advice to the Welsh Government and others.
  • Monitor induction and hear induction appeals.
  • Promote careers in the education workforce.
  • Undertake specific work at the invitation of the Welsh Government.

The way we work

Our culture, capabilities, and infrastructure shape how we approach our role as an independent, professional regulator, and as an employer.

Our values

Fairness - We act fairly, and with integrity, to maintain standards and promote professionalism.

Support - We support the education workforce to maintain high standards of conduct and practice.

Excellence - We pursue excellence and endeavour to provide a high-quality service for registrants, stakeholders, learners and young people, parents/guardians, and the public.

Collaboration - We work in partnership with the education workforce, and other stakeholders, to develop and promote excellence in teaching and learning.

Independence - We are independent and regulate in a way that is impartial and based on evidence.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

Our commitment to equality and diversity is integral to how we approach our work. Our Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28 explains how we will work to promote these principles, both inside our organisation, and across the wider education workforce in Wales. We have incorporated actions from the Welsh Government’s Anti-racist Wales Action Plan and 10-year Welsh in Education Plan, in which we are identified as a key partner or lead. Actions from the LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales, have also been included within our plans.

We are dedicated to minimising our impact on the environment. Our statement on the Section 6 Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty, published on our website, outlines our approach

The Welsh language

We are committed to the Welsh language and proud to be a bilingual organisation, offering our services in both Welsh and English. We work closely with the Welsh Language Commissioner to ensure full compliance with the Welsh language standards.

Financial sustainability

As an independent, professional regulator funded by registration fees, it is essential that we operate within our means and use our resources efficiently. We will continue to strive to keep fees as low as possible, whilst providing the highest level of service in fulfilling our statutory duties. Like other regulators, we maintain adequate financial reserves to provide stability and ensure our services are protected from risks that may arise from unexpected events.

We lead specific activities on behalf of Welsh Government where it is considered that we are the most appropriate body to do such work in Wales. In such instances, Welsh Government will cover our costs through grant funding. We can also undertake commercial activities and do so where we consider this to be in the interests of registrants and the education sector in Wales.

Our people

Our Council is made up of 14 members who set the organisation's strategic direction and is responsible for its governance.

Each member is appointed for a four-year period. Seven members are appointed directly through the Welsh Government public appointments system, and seven are appointed following nomination from a range of stakeholders.

We also maintain and support:

  • a pool of over 50 fitness to practise panel members
  • an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) accreditation board of 12 members
  • a pool of over 45 assessors of the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales

We employ over 50 members of staff.

How we will monitor progress

We will report and publish our progress against the objectives and outcomes of this plan in four quarterly reviews, and in our Annual Report and Accounts, which is laid before the Senedd annually, and audited by Audit Wales.

Key objectives for 2024-27

Our objectives set out how we aim to realise our vision during the lifetime of this plan. These will feed into specific, measurable actions that will be set as part of our annual operational planning process.

Objective 1

Be an effective independent, professional regulator, working in the public interest and building confidence in the education workforce.

  1. Maintain a Register of Education Practitioners that is accurate and accessible.
  2. Operate robust, fair, and transparent regulatory procedures which ensure that only those deemed suitable to practice may do so.
  3. Shape the practice of registrants by developing and promoting high standards of conduct and professionalism.
  4. Accredit and quality assure education programmes and provision in Wales.
  5. Ensure visibility and understanding of the EWC's work amongst registrants, parents/guardians, the public, and our stakeholders through effective, accessible, and responsive communication and engagement.

Objective 2

Support professionalism, and learning and promote careers within the education workforce.

  1. Provide a suite of guidance, resources, and professional services, focused on supporting our registrants to uphold the key principles of the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice.
  2. Lead and support initiatives to promote and encourage effective professional learning for registrants.
  3. Lead and support initiatives to promote research engagement and help disseminate best practice to registrants.
  4. Promote careers within the education workforce and drive improvement in recruitment.

Objective 3

Seek to inform, shape, and influence educational policy in Wales for the benefit of the education workforce.

  1. Provide independent advice, research, and analysis which serves to enhance standards, and inform and influence the development and delivery of education policy in Wales.
  2. Collaborate with registrants, parents/guardians, the public, and our stakeholders to inform and influence education policy in Wales, helping to enhance standards.
  3. Influence Welsh Government and other stakeholders to ensure that legislation underpinning our regulatory functions is sufficiently robust.
  4. Act as Secretariat to the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB).

Objective 4

Be a resilient, capable, and financially sustainable organisation that offers value for money to registrants.

  1. Manage resources effectively and sustainably to meet current and future needs, making appropriate use of technology to drive efficiency and improve our services.
  2. Have effective planning, performance management, and compliance processes ensuring they incorporate best practice.
  3. Be an excellent employer that promotes a supportive and inclusive culture where all staff, Council, and Committee/panel members feel valued and fully able to contribute.
  4. Influence the Welsh Government and other stakeholders to ensure that legislation underpinning our independence, governance, and finances is fit for purpose.