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Good practice guides
Good practice guides

To complement the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice, we publish a number of good practice guides to support registrants in a number of key areas.

Addressing peer-on-peer sexual harassment and abuse

This guide follows a masterclass event and podcast episode hosted by the EWC on the same topic. It includes important context for those working in the education sector in Wales, helpful advice and tips, and links to further support and resources.

Mental health and wellbeing

This guide has been created with the Education Support charity to help registrants take care of their own mental health and wellbeing.

Leaders in education

This guide has been developed specifically for education leaders and will be of use for those in both senior, and middle, leadership roles. 

Tackling racism

This includes guidance on ways to ensure your behaviours and practice are inclusive and create an environment where learners, young people and colleagues feel welcome regardless of their race or ethnicity. It also supports all registrants in identifying and addressing issues of racism. This guide is endorsed by BAMEed Network Wales and Show Racism the Red Card. 

Professionalism in action

This guide highlights the importance of professionalism as an EWC registrant and your commitment to upholding public trust and confidence in your sector. 

Being open and honest as an education professional

This guide aims to help raise your awareness and understanding of key areas of your professional and personal life where openness and honesty is expected. 

Positive working relationships

Even though you spend the majority of your time, care and attention on fostering positive relationships with learners, it’s just as important to build good working relationships with colleagues. 

Maintaining professional boundaries with learners

The way you relate to learners should involve a careful balance of professional engagement and professional distance. But the defined boundaries can unknowingly be crossed. How do you maintain this balance?

Using social media responsibly

Social media can offer you numerous benefits as an education practitioner. However, there are potentially very serious consequences if used casually. This guide helps you avoid them. 

Testing, assessment, examinations, and invigilation

This guide is about managing your responsibility to conduct yourself honestly when measuring learners’ progress.

Appropriate physical contact

The appropriate touching, handling and restraint of learners is sometimes necessary and proportionate in the work place. But sometimes things can go wrong. This guide helps you make the best decision for the situation. 


We offer training sessions which focus on the Code, fitness to practise and these good practice guides. If you or your employer would like to arrange one, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..