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EWC welcomes plans to strengthen youth work in Wales
EWC welcomes plans to strengthen youth work in Wales

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) has responded to a Welsh Government consultation seeking views on a proposed statutory framework for youth work across Wales.

In its response, the independent, professional regulator highlighted the clear link between the definition of youth work, which forms part of the consultation, and EWC registration. It followed this by calling on Welsh Government to ensure the legislation which underpins EWC registration reflects any new definition, and extend to registration requirements to include paid, unqualified practitioners undertaking youth work.

In relation to this second point, the EWC emphasised a potential safeguarding risk associated with paid, unqualified practitioners undertaking youth work, but not requiring registration. Whilst Welsh Government has consulted on this topic previously, the anomaly remains unresolved.

In addition to these points, the response also:

  • supported professionalism and strategic planning by welcoming the emphasis on qualifications and workforce development, as well as the introduction of youth work strategic plans to ensure high-quality services
  • stressed the need for secure funding and consistency, highlighting that long-term workforce stability depends on sustainable investment and clear, consistent planning and evaluation across local authorities
  • endorsed a youth-centred approach, backing the introduction of a youth work entitlement, the involvement of young people in service design, and the importance of tailoring provision to meet local needs
  • called for stronger Welsh-medium provision, suggesting the Welsh Government expand bilingual youth services, recruit more Welsh-speaking youth workers, and collaborate with Welsh language organisations to strengthen linguistic and cultural identity

The EWC ended its response by expressing its desire to work with Welsh Government to implement the framework, ensuring youth work remains a vital, inclusive, and professional service for young people across Wales.

For more information on the EWC’s role in regulating youth work in Wales, visit the website.