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EWC's Fitness to Practise Annual Report 2020-21 published
EWC's Fitness to Practise Annual Report 2020-21 published

As a regulator, one of our core functions is to investigate and hear allegations that might call into question a registrant's fitness to practise.

Our third Fitness to Practise Annual Report sets out how we have undertaken this work to safeguard the interests of learners, parents and the public.

Report highlights

Cases concluded

84.8% of cases were concluded within 8 months and, on average, they were concluded within 4.5 months.


Whilst the education workforce in Wales is female dominated (79.0%), our report shows that gender distribution in our casework this year was 59.1% male and 40.1% female, with 40 to 49 year olds being the most common age bracket (25.8% of completed cases).


There is a variation in the number of cases considered by the EWC from each registrant group / sector, with proportionally more compared to registrant numbers in the FE and WBL sectors compared to the other sectors.

Referral source

Most referrals are made by employers year on year. However, the percentage split for 2020-21 is similar to the 2019-20 pattern with 9.1% of completed referrals coming from the police in 2020-21 compared with 10.3% in 2019-2020.

Read the Fitness to Practise Report for 2020-2021