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Goodbye and thank you to Angela Jardine, EWC Chairperson
Goodbye and thank you to Angela Jardine, EWC Chairperson

On behalf of everyone at the Education Workforce Council (EWC), we would like to thank Angela Jardine for the pivotal role that she has played during her time with us.

Angela was elected as a member of the General Teaching Council for Wales (GTCW) in 2000 and became its Chairperson in 2010. Under the Education (Wales) Act 2014, the GTCW was reconfigured, renamed, and established as the EWC in 2015.

After being appointed by Welsh Government as a Council member of the EWC, Angela was elected by her Council peers as its Chairperson and was subsequently re-elected in 2019. Angela’s leadership of the newly configured EWC was crucial in guiding and supporting the organisation, and its registrants, with the expansion of responsibilities and new registrant groups. She has been at the heart of the EWC’s work in maintaining and improving the standards of teaching and quality of learning in Wales, as well as safeguarding the interests of learners and maintaining public trust and confidence in the education workforce.

Over her 22 years of service, Angela has been passionate, driven, and supportive. Her leadership has been paramount in ensuring that the EWC is held in high regards as the independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales. Angela will be concluding her term as Chairperson on 31 March 2023. On behalf of our registrants, stakeholders, and EWC staff, we would like to thank Angela for her remarkable contribution and wish her every success for future ventures.