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New guide to help tackle racism in education released
New guide to help tackle racism in education released

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) has today published its latest Good Practice Guide centred around tackling racism.

The guide, which has received formal endorsement from Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) and BAMEed Wales, was launched to coincide with a joint EWC, Educators Wales, BAMEed event ‘Moving from non-racist to anti-racist practice: promoting racial equity in education’.

The latest in a series of good practice guides, the document aims to support all registrants to understand how their behaviours and practice can help to create inclusive and welcoming environments for learners and young people.

It clearly outlines the steps which can be taken in identifying and addressing issues of racism as well how to promote equality – all in line with the responsibilities set out in the EWC Code of Professional Conduct and Practice.

Kate Mills, Senior Education Worker at SRtRC said

“Show Racism the Red Card welcomes this Good Practice Guide from the EWC. Racism is rife across society, including in our schools, and resources such as this that can support educators in taking responsibility for their own anti-racist practice, to create warm and welcoming spaces where all children, young people and colleagues are able to thrive are vital.

“Anti-racism is everyone’s responsibility and we look forward to seeing this develop even further across the Welsh education system”.

Chair of BAMEed Wales, Dr Susan Davis said

“We are pleased to endorse this EWC guide to tackling racism. It is essential that places of learning are a nurturing, and positive experience for children and young people in Wales - who should be able to learn in an environment which celebrates them and their unique contributions, regardless of the colour of their skin or religious belief”.

On publishing the guide, Chief Executive of EWC, Hayden Llewelyn said

“Wales has an established multicultural society where individuals from diverse backgrounds learn together and from one another. As a regulator, the EWC has a duty to promote diversity and inclusion within the education workforce.

“We have developed this guide to support our registrants in understanding and tackling issues of racism in line with their responsibilities under the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice”.

To view the guide, visit our Good Practice Guide pages.