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The Urdd is awarded silver and gold in their centenary year
The Urdd is awarded silver and gold in their centenary year

Urdd Gobaith Cymru has been recognised for the quality of its provision this week as the youth organisation is awarded both the Silver and Gold Quality Marks for Youth Work in Wales (QMYW).

The QMYW (administered by the Education Workforce Council (EWC)), is a national award which demonstrates an organisation's excellence. In order to receive the accreditation, youth work organisations must self-assess against a set of quality standards and pass an external assessment.

The Urdd, which is celebrating its centenary year, demonstrated to quality mark assessors that their service was delivered by an experienced and qualified workforce who celebrated equality and diversity, utilised strong links with partners, were creative in their use of resources, and involved young people in decision-making.

Sian Lewis, Urdd Gobaith Cymru Chief Executive said: “On behalf of the Urdd, I would like to thank the EWC and Welsh Government for the great honour of awarding the organisation both the Silver and Gold Quality Marks for our Youth Work in Wales. The award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, volunteers, and members. The achievement also reflects the quality of the Urdd’s youth work provision in Welsh across the whole of Wales.

“The Urdd reflects the new Wales, with opportunities for young people from all cultural and social backgrounds, in a Wales made up of both Welsh speakers and learners. Since the Urdd’s establishment in 1922, we are proud to have offered a century of service to 4 million children and young people across the country.”

Urdd Gobaith Cymru is a National Voluntary Youth Organisation with over 55,000 members between the ages of 8-25 years old. Since 1922, they’ve provided opportunities through the medium of Welsh for children and young people in Wales to enable them to make positive contributions to their communities.

Andrew Borsden, Development Officer for the Quality Mark at the EWC said “the Urdd has achieved the Gold Youth Work Quality Mark in their centenary year. This is double achievement for the organisation and demonstrates not only the strength of the organisation, but also their continued provision of high-quality youth work.

“Our assessors were extremely impressed by the depth of activities on offer and the enthusiasm of the staff. Congratulations to everyone involved.”

For more information on the Quality Mark, including details on how your organisation can apply to be accredited, visit the EWC website.