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Procurement statement
Procurement statement

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) procures various goods and services for use in the achievement of its functions, and aims to achieve value for money in all procurements. The procedures for procurement are detailed in the Finance Manual.

We conduct our procurement process in accordance with UK Public Contracts Regulations and EU Public Procurement Directives.


The Finance Manual sets out thresholds determining the appropriate procurement route. Except where single tender action is unavoidable, procurement of goods/services of value between £5,000 and £25,000 are based on sourcing three written quotations from suppliers, with procurements valued greater than £25,000 following a formal procedure (all values, including VAT). This may include:

  • use of a centrally negotiated framework, such as those established by the National Procurement Service or the Crown Commercial Services
  • tendering such contracts on Sell2Wales, the Welsh Government procurement portal. The EWCis registered as a buyer on Sell2Wales, and will advertise invitations to tender here. If a supplier is not currently registered with Sell2Wales, they can register here

Calculation of the threshold is based on the actual good/ service being procured, and will exclude eg fixed costs, such as postage.


As a Welsh public body, the EWC is committed to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations taking account of the nine protected characteristics:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • religion or belief (or lack of belief)
  • race – including ethnic or national origin, colour, or nationality
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

Suppliers should take account of this commitment in all transactions with the EWC.

Welsh language

Similarly, the EWC is also committed to the Welsh language, treating both languages equally. All procurement activity may be conducted in English or Welsh, subject to the stated preference of the tenderer.

Data protection

All contractors or potential contractors are obliged to comply with the EWC’s rules, under the Data Protection Act 1998.