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Statement on section 6 biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty
Statement on section 6 biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty

The EWC recognises that biodiversity is under pressure from a range of influences. We are committed to meeting our duty under the Environment (Wales) Act 2016, to seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity, so far as possible within the remit of our functions, and in so doing promote the resilience of ecosystems. The consideration of biodiversity and ecosystems is embedded into EWC business planning and day-to-day activities.

The Wales Biodiversity Partnership has published a Nature Recovery Action Plan (NRAP) which identifies six objectives to address the issues that are driving the decline in biodiversity in Wales, and to support recovery.

As an organisation that occupies an office building as a tenant only (i.e. we do not own or manage property or land) and whose functions are not directly connected to biodiversity and/or land management, the EWC is categorised by Welsh Government as a Group 1 organisation for the purposes of the duty. We aim to support the following three NRAP objectives through the actions and measures outlined in the table below:

NRAP Objective 1

Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision-making at all levels

Embed biodiversity action across EWC functions:

  • commitments are made to reduce organisational impact on the environment and published in our Annual Report
  • opportunities for biodiversity action at EWC are limited but where action is taken (as detailed below) it is delivered through the day-to-day business of the Corporate Services function

Raise awareness across EWC:

  • voluntary training opportunities on biodiversity are offered as part of the EWC all-staff training programme
  • we provide information highlighting the importance and value of biodiversity to staff as part of the staff wellbeing programme

NRAP Objective 4

Tackle key pressures on species and habitats

Address key pressures:

  • we comply with the Waste Separation Requirements (Wales) Regulations 2023.
  • we reduce, reuse and recycle resources where possible e.g. through recycling waste appropriately, replacing disposable plastic cups with glassware, donating unwanted office equipment to charitable causes, using recycled products and encouraging minimal stationery consumption.
  • we attempt to mitigate climate change, reduce energy consumption and increase decarbonisation e.g. adopting hybrid working, using movement sensitive lighting, external communications sent via email, virtual meetings encouraged and where travel is necessary, public transport used wherever possible.
  • suppliers are required to use sustainable management practices and environmentally friendly products as part of the EWC procurement process

Use biodiverse and native nature based solutions:

  • this is not applicable to EWC office environment

NRAP Objective 6

Put in place a framework of governance and support for delivery

Ensure governance for biodiversity within EWC:

  • the EWC Corporate Services Manager is responsible for ensuring biodiversity actions and measures are taken as detailed, and developing additional measures wherever possible
  • our compliance with our biodiversity duty is monitored and reviewed annually by the Director for Finance & Corporate Services

Provide capacity for biodiversity:

  • staff participation in action for biodiversity is encouraged and supported through EWC Volunteering Policy

Support biodiversity action through partnerships:

  • we cannot provide funding but support action for biodiversity as it encourages staff participation through its Volunteering Policy


We will review and report on the measures we take to support the NRAP objectives and meet our duty annually, as part of the strategic and operational planning programme. In so doing we will seek to develop additional measures that we can take to maintain and enhance biodiversity and promote the resilience of ecosystems.