On Monday, 6 June 2016, EWC in association with The Open University Wales held its inaugural public talk, 'Professionally speaking with Professors John Furlong and Graham Donaldson'. Following an introduction from top Welsh broadcaster and journalist Catrin Haf Jones, both professors presented their thoughts on the challenges facing the education system in Wales and what the future holds for Welsh education policy.
Professor Graham Donaldson was the author of 'Successful Futures', an independent review of curriculum and assessment arrangements in Wales.
Professor John Furlong's report 'Teaching Tomorrow's Teachers; options for the future of initial teacher education in Wales' was published by the Welsh Government in March 2015.
The video of the event is now available to view on our YouTube channel.
If you are on Twitter, you can get a flavour of the evening by searching hashtag #profspeak16
Professor Ken Jones responds to what he heard at ‘Professionally Speaking 2016’