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EWC newsletter autumn 2024
EWC newsletter autumn 2024

Registration and regulation

FtP case studies

We have launched the first in a new series of case studies illustrating common challenges and pitfalls that can lead to a fitness to practise hearing. Based on real examples, we aim to offer valuable learning points to help our registrants comply with the Code, uphold the highest standards in their profession, and safeguard their registration.

Join our fitness to practise panel

We will soon be looking for registrants to be part of our fitness to practise panel. Panel members play an important role in maintaining standards of professional conduct and practice, whilst helping to safeguard learners, parents/guardians, and the public.

Keep an eye on our website and social media for more information soon.


Employing a newly qualified teacher (NQT)?

Don’t forget to submit the induction notification form to us. Submission of the form will allow all parties involved in the NQT’s induction to access the online profile, and ensure the NQT is allocated an induction mentor.

Council updates

Next Council

The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday, 14 November 2024.

Any members of the public, including registrants, can observe a Council meeting. More information about attending a meeting, is on our website.

Guidance, resources, and professional services

Using the PLP to support your staff

We have been working with different organisations to develop tailored resources in the Professional Learning Passport (PLP) to support registrants with their professional learning and reflection.

Check out our handy new e-flyer, or for more information This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Quality Mark for Youth Work (QMYW) in Wales

Congratulations to Newport Youth and Play Service on their silver QMYW award, and Swansea Council’s Evolve Youth Service on their bronze award.

We are always looking for QMYW assessors. They play a vital role in helping groups and organisations identify, articulate, and celebrate their work with young people. If you know somebody who may be interested, you can direct them to our website.

Sgwrsio with the EWC bonus episode

We have released a special bonus episode of our podcast, a follow on from our wellbeing episode. Graeme Jones from Palmerston Primary School has lots of tips for everybody about how to improve the mental health and wellbeing of learners, colleagues, and yourself. Listen to this bonus episode now.

Informing policy

Annual Education Workforce Statistics for Wales 2024

We recently published our Annual Education Workforce Statistics for Wales 2024. For the first time, this year’s report contains information on teachers and learning support staff who work in independent schools and colleges.

We will be holding a briefing event on 15 October 2024 providing attendees with an overview of this unique and comprehensive data, with a particular focus on the key trends identified. Book your free place now.

In case you missed it

Annual reports

We recently published our suite of annual reports, including our Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24. You can read them all on our website.

Invite us to a session

Did you know you can invite us along to come and talk to your staff about a range of topics including who we are, what we do, the Code, and PLP? Fill out the form on our website to get in touch.

ITE student results

We’ve recently published data on initial teach education (ITE) for 2023-24. Check out the full stats on our website.