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Don’t forget your free access to the World Education Summit
Don’t forget your free access to the World Education Summit

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) is encouraging school and Further Education (FE) registrants to take up its unique opportunity to access the World Education Summit (WES). Although held live between 21-24 March 2022, access to the event and its resources remains open to registrants for up to one year via Summit Central.

WES connects educators across the world with incredible expertise, practice and the latest research. This year’s event included 400+ world class speakers such as Professor John Hattie; Dr Jamila Lyiscott; Lord Sebastian Coe OBE; and Professionally Speaking 2022 keynote, Professor Yong Zhao. There were also contributions from EWC Chief Executive, Hayden Llewellyn who spoke about the importance of regulation in building a professional education workforce, and EWC Director of Professional Development, Accreditation and Policy, Bethan Holliday-Stacey who discussed what registration and regulation means to registrants. 

Registration is still open via Hwb for those who have not yet signed up. Attendees will also gain access to a learning planner so they can easily align the sessions to school priorities.