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EWC unveils its plans for the coming years
EWC unveils its plans for the coming years

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) published its Strategic Plan on 1 April 2020, setting out its mission to maintain standards and enhance professionalism within the education workforce over the next three years.

Underpinned by four key objectives, the EWC’s Strategic Plan 2020-23  reinforces its vision as a forward-looking, independent regulator that is trusted by its registrants, learners and the wider public.

Over the next three years, the EWC aims to:

  • be an effective regulator ensuring public confidence in the education workforce is maintained
  • promote high standards of learning and professionalism within the education workforce
  • play a lead role in developing education policy and facilitating its implementation in Wales
  • ensure organisational capability and capacity is maintained whilst ensuring best value for registrants

The EWC’s Strategic Equality Plan 2020-24  was also published on 1 April 2020. The plan explains how, through its role and remit, it will seek to develop its approach to promoting equality and diversity over the coming years.

These plans were developed in consultation with Council members and staff, as well as stakeholders in the wider education community and the public.

  Download EWC Strategic Plan 2020-23

  Download EWC Strategic Equality Plan 2020-24