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Helping you think about best practice
Helping you think about best practice

We recognise that these are challenging times for our registrants. Many have asked us for advice about aspects of their practice. Read what your regulator has to say.

As a result of COVID-19, many of you have contacted us for guidance because you're being asked to educate learners in new and challenging ways using a range of social media applications. You're worried about staying safe online and ensuring professional boundaries are maintained.

You've also raised the challenges you face because the summer exams have been cancelled and you're expected to ‘calculate’ your learners’ likely achievement to feed into estimated and ‘fair’ grades. You don’t want to let them down and are concerned with how to get them back on track once you return to your work setting.

In discussing these issues with you, we've reminded you that the EWC Code of Professional Conduct and Practice is there to guide you, to help with judgements and decisions you might make. You should keep it as an important point of reference – think about the 5 key principles and expectations upon you. They will help you make the right decisions when faced with the challenges above.

To help further, we have published some good practice guides. Two of the five guides focus specifically on the two topics of social media and the challenges with examination and assessment. Plenty of practical guidance to support you.

If you find yourself in a situation that is causing you concern, seek advice and support as early as possible from your line manager, trade union or at the very least, someone you trust. That early intervention can often be invaluable.

And finally – we are also here for you. All of our staff are working from home and are can be contacted easily by e-mail if you have a query or concern.