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Launch of ‘Meddwl Mawr’ – EWC’s new book and journal club
Launch of ‘Meddwl Mawr’ – EWC’s new book and journal club

Engaging with research can play an important role in developing your ideas and professional practice. That’s why we’re launching Meddwl Mawr, a new book and journal club designed to support you on your professional learning journey.

We’ll be sharing regular recommendations, pointing you to some of the 4,500+ books and journal articles which are available on EBSCO - the world’s largest library of education research. As an EWC registrant, you get free access to EBSCO via your Professional Learning Passport (PLP).

Whether you work in a school, a college or a work-based learning or youth work setting, there will be something for everyone!

We’ve selected two books to kick off our recommendations. Both books look at different aspects of pedagogy and they are available for free on EBSCO.

Find out more about Meddwl Mawr and read our recommendations here.