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New Guide Tells Parents What They Can Expect from Education Workforce
New Guide Tells Parents What They Can Expect from Education Workforce

Code Parents Guide to EWC Code cover image englishTogether with Parentkind, we have developed a guide for parents on what they can expect from teachers and learning support staff in Wales.

The guide will support parents in playing a more active role in their child’s education and provides information and advice on the services available to them and what they should do if they have a concern about a registrant.

This comes after the publication of the EWC’s revised Code of Professional Conduct and Practice in September 2019.

Hayden Llewellyn, EWC Chief Executive said: “Safeguarding the interests of learners, parents and the public is at the heart of our work.

“As a parent, when you send your children to school, you put your trust in the teachers and support staff who work there every day. By regulating those individuals, we can ensure that you and your child can expect the highest standards of professional conduct and practice from our registrants.”

John Jolly, Parentkind Chief Executive added: "Parentkind is delighted to be working closely with the EWC on this guidance which explains the support they can provide to schools and parents in Wales. Knowing what information is available and how to raise questions or concerns can really make a difference to both the child’s and parent’s enjoyment of school.

"This guidance, written specifically for parents, seeks to reinforce home-school relationships and encourage parents to positively participate in their child’s education."

Parentkind is the charity which supports and champions all the ways parents can participate in education and have their voices heard.

Download the guide