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New website launched to promote careers in the education profession
New website launched to promote careers in the education profession

A new website dedicated to promoting careers and career progression in the education profession in Wales has today been launched (8 June 2021).

Educators Wales – www.educators.wales – will be the initial helpdesk and ‘shop window’ for the sector's workforce, providing three main services:

  • a careers portal, where people can find information on careers in education, including the qualifications and skills they need for specific roles;
  • a training portal, where providers can advertise their training opportunities and where people can search for training to enter the profession. For those currently working in education, the training portal will allow them to search for professional learning opportunities; and
  • a Wales-wide jobs portal, where employers can advertise their vacancies free of charge and people can search for employment.

Hayden Llewellyn, EWC Chief Executive said:

“We’ve worked closely with the sector to develop a website and service that seeks to inspire, attract and recruit the best talent to the education workforce in Wales.

The Educators Wales website will be the first port of call for anyone thinking of pursuing a career in education, and for current practitioners who are keen to progress in their career.”

Educators Wales is a service funded by Welsh Government and developed by the Education Workforce Council to promote careers in the education professions in Wales. Educators Wales has been developed in collaboration with educators, for educators.

Explore the Educators Wales website