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Registration information for employers: adult learning practitioners
Registration information for employers: adult learning practitioners

Regulations stipulate that community-based adult learning providers should ensure practitioners who provide education in, or for, a community-based adult learning provider, are registered with the EWC before they commence work.

In legislation, community-based adult learning provider means a provider (other than a school, further education institution, or higher education institution), of further education and training for adults which is based in the community and funded, or otherwise provided by a local authority, the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research, or Welsh Ministers. In legislation, adult learning practitioner means:

  1. a person who provides further education and training to adults (those aged 18 or over) for, or on behalf of, a community-based adult learning provider, and who possesses at least one of the qualifications shown in Annex A, or has a qualification awarded outside the United Kingdom which is not, in the opinion of the Welsh Ministers, substantially different to the  qualifications specified in the Schedule (Annex A)
  2. a person who provides further education and training to adults (those aged 18 or over) for, or on behalf of, a community-based adult learning provider, and who is working towards a qualification in the Schedule (Annex A) . They may work as an adult practitioner for a period not exceeding:
    1. three years from the date on which they started working towards the qualification where they are employed full-time, or
    2. five years from the date on which they started working towards the qualification where they are employed part-time

If the practitioner does not achieve the required qualification within this timescale, they will no longer be eligible to register with the EWC as an adult learning practitioner.

Adult learning practitioner, who have one of the qualifications listed for further education teachers (Schedule 6 to the 2015 Regulations) , are eligible to register in the category of adult leaning practitioner.

Volunteers, or those who provide training in relation to a profession on a temporary or occasional basis, and hold the qualifications or experience necessary in order to practise that profession, are not required to register with the EWC.