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What Governors need to know about EWC
What Governors need to know about EWC

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The Education Workforce Council (EWC) is the independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales. We regulate education practitioners across schools, further education, youth work, and adult/work-based learning. It is important for you as a governor to be aware of the specific legal requirements on your school/college and its registrants.


It is a legal requirement, on both the employer and the individual, that the individual is registered in the correct category of registration before they undertake any work (e.g. school teacher, teaching assistant). Your school/college should check their staff are registered using their access to the register.


In addition to registering the education workforce, we’re also responsible for regulating it. We do this through our fitness to practise work.

Employer referrals

If an employer dismisses a registrant, or if a registrant leaves their employment (e.g. resigns or enters into a settlement agreement), but had they not done so, they might have been dismissed, the employer has a legal duty to tell us.

More information on the referrals process, and the obligations on employers.

Code of Professional Conduct and Practice

The EWC has a statutory requirement to publish a Code of Professional Conduct and PracticeThis sets out the key principles of good conduct and practice registrants are expected to comply with. It is intended to inform, support, and guide them. Failing to comply with the principles in the Code can call into question a registrant’s ability to continue to practise. It is essential that your school/college regularly reminds all registrants of their obligations in the Code.

Guidance, resources, and professional services

We provide a suite of professional services to support our registrants and wider stakeholders (including governors). We encourage you, and the staff in your school/college, to make the most of this offer which includes training and workshops, a suite of good practice guides, posters highlighting the Code, events, and the Professional Learning Passport.

Save money with Educators Wales

Funded by Welsh Government and developed by the EWC, Educators Wales offers a wide range of services to schools/college. The jobs portal features more vacancies than any other provider dedicated to education in Wales. What’s more, organisations who advertise their vacancies free of charge via their local authority are automatically featured on Educators Wales too.

Save time and money by advertising with your LA today.

To find out more, visit the Educators Wales website, or, invite the team along to a meeting.