Nicholas Maguire – 10 December 2024
Publication date: 20 December
A Fitness to Practise Committee of the Education Workforce Council (EWC), sitting remotely on 9 to 10 December 2024, have found an allegation of ‘unacceptable professional conduct’ proved against work-based learning practitioner, Nicholas Maguire.
The Committee found the following allegations proven, that whilst employed as a Work-Based Learning Practitioner at Inspire Training, Mr Maguire, in or around August 2022, acted in an inappropriate and/or unprofessional manner towards colleagues in that he said and/or called them:
- “f****t”, or words to that effect
- “psycho b***h”, or words to that effect
The Fitness to Practise Committee imposed a Reprimand on Mr Maguire’s registration as a work-based learning practitioner, further education learning support worker and school learning support worker for a period of 2 years (from 10 December 2024 to 10 December 2026).
As such, Mr Maguire will be able to work as a:
- work based learning practitioner, who provides services for or on behalf of a work-based learning body other than as a volunteer
- further education learning support worker, in FE institutions in Wales;
- school learning support worker in a maintained school or non-maintained special school in Wales.
Mr Maguire has a right of appeal to High Court within 28 days.